Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Drunk and Horny... with ELO. Damn.

In case anyone was wondering, Electric Light Orchestra is the worst music in the world to masturbate to, even if you are looking at sexy pictures. I guess it has something to do with "Hey, boy blue is back..." and the infinite number of blue-balls associations that can be made. Point being, the album El Dorado can make a man feel guilty about getting off.

But once turned off, the games begin. How great is that?

Tonight I met a woman with an unusual male name and it was super fucking hot. What does THAT SHIT mean? Holy crap, the old me is back. It's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. "Why do I instantly fall in love with every woman who gives me the slightest bit of attention?"

Love is a lie. All that exists is fucking and passion. I mean, I am passionate about music... if I could meet the god of music and fuck her, my love would be just peachy. Then I could say, "I love you" while being totally honest.

AND THEN: The world disappears, and John Updike is dead and I HAVEN'T EVEN READ ONE OF HIS BOOKS AND IT FUCKING DEPRESSES ME and everyone in the world cares about things, and seems honest, but seriously, at the end of the day, are they all out in the cold? Do they ALL feel like shit like I feel like shit? Someone compared me to Kurt Cobain today. WHAT THE FUCK? Is it REALLY MY DESTINY to fuck up everything in the world that I care about?

"He left us, he left us" - Jurassic Park (SP?)

I mean, he left us! Or SHE left us!

Tonight has been the best and worst of nights. At least I fell in love again, even if it was only for a couple of hours...

and then Milton spoke to god, and god said, "Who the FUCK are you?"


1 comment:

  1. hahaha

    Maybe I shouldn't laugh but some of this has to be sheer histrionics. Maybe that's the point. Either way, funny, and you seem to be pretty accurately describing yourself.
